
How to vote for your favorite World Cup team in Modern Warfare 2 FC event to earn rewards

The World Cup fever has now made its way into Activision's latest titles, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2. Both games will feature an event in collaboration with FIFA, with respect to this year's World Cup.

As part of the event, players will have to predict the outcome of six very specific matches in the ongoing tournament, from within the game itself. Players who predict correctly will be rewarded with in-game items, including weapon blueprints as well. That said, how does one vote for their favorite team?

How to vote for a team during the Modern Warfare 2 FC event

Fortunately, the voting process is fairly simple. Here's what players need to do:

  • Players will have to first log into Call of Duty HQ.
  • Once HQ has been launched, players will have to navigate through the available menus before they come across the Events section.
  • Given that the Modern Warfare 2 FC event is live right now, players will find a tab pertaining to the event itself.
  • Once they've arrived at the tab, players will have to click on it.
  • On the resulting page that opens, players will be able to select the team that they're rooting for. However, the options to choose between the two teams will only be made available a day or two before the matches actually take place.

With the voting procedure out of the way, here is the list of matches that players will be able to vote for during this event:

  • England vs. USA (November 25)
  • Argentina vs. Mexico (November 26)
  • Spain vs. Germany (November 27)
  • South Korea vs. Ghana (November 28)
  • Tunisia vs. France (November 30)
  • Cameroon vs. Brazil (December 2)

Before every match commences, players will have a time period within which they will have to cast their vote. If their predicted team wins the match, they can claim some exciting rewards. Interestingly, players who support the losing team will also receive rewards.

What are the rewards associated with the Modern Warfare 2 FC event?

Players who predict correctly during these matches will be rewarded with a war track from that country. Furthermore, players who participate in the event will also receive a 10,000 XP reward after the end of each predicted match. Players who select a winning team will also receive a calling card with the flag of that country.

Additionally, there are even more rewards that the community can get their hands on. If players make two predictions accurately, they'll receive a special weapon blueprint. Players will receive yet another weapon blueprint in Modern Warfare 2 if they make four successful predictions over the course of the event.

While these are the rewards associated with the event, other cosmetic bundles will be making their way into the in-game store as well. These cosmetics include weapon skins and brand new footballer-themed Operators.

The Neymar Jr. bundle is already live in the store and can be purchased by interested players. Interestingly, even more player bundles are set to arrive, including one for Paul Pogba and Lionel Messi.

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Valentine Belue

Update: 2024-06-04