
What happened to Lauren Kidd?

ID's American Monster, the highly riveting true-crime show, revisited and explored the murder case of Lauren Kidd in their latest episode, titled Broken Heart in Broken Arrow, which made its arrival on July 4, 2022, at 9 / 8c, exclusively on Investigation Discovery and Discovery +.

The murder case dates back to October 2018. Reportedly, Lauren Kidd, who was only 21 years of age and the young mother of a three-year-old child from Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, was cold-bloodedly murdered by her boyfriend at the time, Konner Brunner.

Since the arrival of the American Monster episode, it has grabbed viewers' attention for being a spine-chilling murder case that shook Lauren Kidd's family and turned the lives of her mother, Christa Kidd, upside-down.

Without further ado, let's dive deep and find out the details about what happened to the young mother as the episode Broken Heart in Broken Arrow of American Monster of American Monster streams on Investigation Discovery and Discovery +.

Learn all about Lauren Kidd as American Monster episode streams: The young mother's romantic interest was arrested

Reportedly, Lauren Kidd was the 21-year-old daughter of Christa Kidd, living in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Lauren was a young mother with a bright future ahead of her. She gave birth to her son, Addison, before graduating high school.

Lauren was reportedly married to a man named Zachary, with whom she had Addison. However, the couple got divorced, and Lauren became a single mother. Later, she went on to have a romantic relationship with a man named Konner Brunner.

Everything in her life was going quite well, but soon everything changed when Lauren Kidd's life was cut short after a dreadful incident.

Lauren Kidd was shot dead by her boyfriend, Konner Brunner (Image for representation via Chris Hyde/Getty Images)

The hair-raising incident, explored in the latest American Monster episode, occurred in October 2018, when Lauren's son was just three years of age. Reportedly, on October 30, 2018, Lauren's family suspected something was wrong with her when she did not show up to take her son Addison for a trick or treat on Halloween Eve.

The young mother was reportedly last seen on October 27, 2018, with Konner Brunner, her boyfriend. Soon, her family's worries became worse, and they immediately reported Lauren missing to the police.

Initially, Brunner took part in helping the police investigate the case of Lauren's missing. However, later on, some of Brunner's friends confirmed seeing something that looked like blood in Brunner's car, on the passenger's side. Reportedly, in early November, Konner Brunner was arrested by the police.

When questioned by the police, he admitted to shooting Lauren with a gun during a heated argument between the two inside his car, although he portrayed it as an accident. Later on, Lauren's dismantled dead body was discovered at a paper mill in Valliant.

In January 2020, Konner Brunner pleaded guilty to the first-degree murder of his girlfriend, Lauren Kidd. In March 2020, Brunner, who was 23 years old at the time, received a sentence of lifetime in prison with the parole possibility after serving his prison time for at least 38 years and 3 months.

Konner Brunner pleaded guilty to the first-degree murder of his girlfriend Lauren Kidd (Image for representation via Mark Kolbe/Getty Images)

Lauren's mother, Christa Kidd, said in an interview regarding her daughter's heart-wrenching demise:

"We know she is not here anymore. We know there is not anything we can do about that. A bad person chose to do something that took her away from us. We will never not miss her," (newson6)

Don't forget to watch the American Monster episode titled Broken Heart in Broken Arrow on Investigation Discovery or Discovery +.

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Sebrina Pilcher

Update: 2024-05-24